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Gravity Falls Ask Prompts, anyone?
Send me an episode name for the corresponding question!
TOURIST TRAPPED: Describe an event that started a pivotal change in your life.
LEGEND OF THE GOBBLEWONKER: Do you believe in any mythical creatures?
HEAD HUNTERS: Name a material item you can't live without.
THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE MABEL: Have you been on any memorable dates?
THE INCONVENIENCING: Did you have any odd childhood rituals or habits?
DIPPER VS. MANLINESS: Is there anything you would change about yourself?
DOUBLE DIPPER: What's something you wish you had the courage to do?
IRRATIONAL TREASURE: What's the silliest thing you've ever done?
THE TIME TRAVELER'S PIG: Are you a pet person? What kind?
FIGHT FIGHTERS: Are you afraid of anything?
LITTLE DIPPER: Do you get jealous easily?
SUMMERWEEN: What's your favorite holiday, and why?
BOSS MABEL: How well do you handle leadership?
BOTTOMLESS PIT!: Just tell us a fun story!
THE DEEP END: Is there anyone whose company always warms your heart? (Or hearts! Mermen have like, 17 hearts.)
CARPET DIEM: If you could trade places with one person for a day, who would it be and why?
BOYZ CRAZY: What celebrity or band would you love to spend time with?
LAND BEFORE SWINE: Is there anyone you would risk life and limb for?
DREAMSCAPERERS: What's the last thing you really thoroughly thought about?
GIDEON RISES: Is there anything you thought you'd never accomplish, but you did?
SCARY-OKE: Do you like to sing?
INTO THE BUNKER: Are you someone who lets out all their feelings, or hides them?
THE GOLF WAR: Do you have anyone you consider a rival?
SOCK OPERA: What's the most elaborate project you've ever done?
SOOS AND THE REAL GIRL: What do you look for in a great partner or friend?
LITTLE GIFT SHOP OF HORRORS: Name a super strange piece of media that you've seen or read.
SOCIETY OF THE BLIND EYE: What is your fondest memory?
BLENDIN'S GAME: How do you like to celebrate your birthday?
THE LOVE GOD: Are you the matchmaking type?
NORTHWEST MANSION NOIR: Is there anyone who's ever surprised you as a person?
NOT WHAT HE SEEMS: Have you ever had to make an incredibly tough decision?
A TALE OF TWO STANS: Tell us about a dream/goal of yours.
DUNGEONS, DUNGEONS, AND MORE DUNGEONS: What's the nerdiest, geekiest, or dorkiest thing about you?
THE STANCHURIAN CANDIDATE: Are you good at public speaking?
THE LAST MABELCORN: Have you ever been hurt by someone you trusted?
ROADSIDE ATTRACTION: Are you a hopeless romantic?
DIPPER AND MABEL VS. THE FUTURE: How do you feel about the future?
WEIRDMAGEDDON PART 1: Are you a determined person?
ESCAPE FROM REALITY: Describe your perfect dream world.
TAKE BACK THE FALLS: Name something that will always have a special place in your heart.